Privacy Policy for Maidhub

Thank you for choosing Maidhub. We prioritize the privacy and security of your personal information...

1. Information Collection:

a. Account Information:

When caregivers log into the app, we collect basic account details such as names, email addresses, and passwords to establish and manage user accounts.

b. Media Uploads:

Caregivers may upload media files (photos, videos, etc.) as part of completing tasks. These files are securely stored on our servers.

c. Chat System:

The chat system enables communication between caregivers and administrators. Conversations are securely stored and may be monitored for quality assurance.

d. Downloadable Resources:

We may offer downloadable resources for caregivers. Download history is logged for analytical purposes, but the content itself is not monitored.

2. Usage of Your Information:

a. Task Completion:

Account information is used to facilitate task completion by caregivers, while media uploads are employed to document and support completed tasks.

b. Communication:

The chat system is utilized for communication between caregivers and administrators, ensuring effective coordination and support.

b. Improvement and Analytics:

Aggregated and anonymized data may be used for analytical purposes to enhance our services and user experience.

3. Information Sharing:

a. Third-Party Services:

We may employ third-party services to enhance functionality (e.g., cloud storage for media files). These services adhere to their own privacy policies.

b. Legal Compliance:

Information may be shared in response to legal requests or to protect our rights, property, or safety.

4. Data Security:

a. Encryption:

We utilize industry-standard encryption protocols to secure data transmission and storage.

b. Access Controls:

Access to user data is restricted to authorized personnel only.

5. User Choices:

a. Account Information:

Users can update their account information at any time through the app.

b. Communication Preferences:

Users may choose to opt-out of certain communications within the app settings.

6. Policy Updates:

a. Notification:

Any changes to our privacy policy will be communicated through app notifications or on our website.

By using Maidhub, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy, and we appreciate your trust in us.